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Make Sure You're Getting My Emails 

In order to get to this page you should have received a few automated emails from me, so please make sure they are hitting your inbox and not your spam folder.

Read the Most Recent Emails & Check You Have Full Access to the Course

Here is a link to the course page. You may have to login.

Your login credentials have been sent to you via email. The email you're looking for has the subject: "Your account has been created" and is sent from "Dave | Journal Anyway"

Get Your Journaling Gear

You'll need a place to write. If you don't already have a journal, then a few sheets of paper and a pen are fine. It's better to take action now, rather than waiting for a journal to get started. 

You can also use a digital journal or even a word document like Google Docs or Microsoft Word. 

If you want to take journaling more seriously after this course then here are my favorite options: 

  • My favorite journal and the one I've used since 2012 is the Large (5" x 8.25"), Hard Cover, Black and Blank Moleskine Classic Notebook (Amazon Link)
  • My favorite pen is the black ink, Pilot G2, extra fine point (Amazon Link)
Connect with Me via Instagram

Instagram is where I'm most active and where it's easiest to get in touch with me. If you're not already, follow me and send me a DM saying hello!
